"Guilt is petty bourgeois crap. An artist creates his own moral universe." Oh hello there, Woody. You must have thought the same thing when you did it to Dylan Farrow and refuted those allegations. Well, you thinks you're a God but still I'm not ashamed of admiring that work...
Third cinema 人类即使是落后得不能再落后了也舍弃不了内部争斗xfb8008app隐藏入口简直像在过家家
二把刀剧组 vs 天才编剧黑手党马仔! 老头对自身认识非常明确 而且不放过一切嘲讽自己附带自己所处所谓文艺圈/知识分子阶层的机会嘛! John Cusack那时候挺帅 剧组女主一看就是高端洋气剧院范啊最终扛得小金人! 此部又见Cole Porter~